Our Top Backpacking Destinations For The Year

Whether you’re a seasoned backpacker or just getting started, finding new and exciting places to go can be half the fun. So we’ve put together our list of the top backpacking destinations for the year, based on our own personal experiences and suggestions from friends. From the dramatic landscapes of Patagonia to the ancient temples of Myanmar, there’s something for everyone in this round-up. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next adventure!

10 Picks For Your Next Outdoor Excursion

1.) Australia

What better way to start this list than with the Land Down Under? Australia has everything a backpacker could want: an incredible variety of landscapes, clean and uncrowded hostels, friendly locals, and heaps of easy ways to get around. We’ve heard rumors that pub crawls here are even more epic than they are back home. And since it’s so far away from most people’s homes, there won’t be throngs of other travelers filling up all the hostels – making it easier to make friends with locals and other international backpackers alike.

Australia is one of those places that a lot of people visit once and then spend the rest of their lives trying to get back. And we don’t blame them.

2.) Iceland

For backpackers looking for something a little more adventurous, look no further than Iceland. For starters, it’s probably the only European country where you won’t find yourself surrounded by other tourists at every turn (although Reykjavik can get pretty crowded in the summertime). And if you like skiing or snowboarding during the winter months, this is definitely one country where you want to plan your trip accordingly.

The trip from Europe into North America usually makes a stop in Iceland. So why not kill two birds with one stone and stay on board for an extra 24 hours? You’ll be glad you did when you find yourself staring at one of Iceland’s numerous waterfalls, dramatic water formations and ice-covered lava fields. And if the mid-day sun gets too strong for your liking, just wait a couple of hours and it’ll be right back in full effect.

3.) Cambodia

For many backpackers, their first impression of Cambodia is through images from the hit film ” The Killing Fields “. But today, visitors to this Southeast Asian country will be pleasantly surprised by how much it has to offer: vibrant multicultural cities with French colonial architecture; pristine white sand beaches lapped by warm turquoise waters; and an abundance of impressive temples that serve as haunting reminders of its dark past. It can all add up to some fantastic adventures, especially for those willing to venture off the beaten trail.

4.) Patagonia

Although it’s not really a country, there’s no denying that this section of southern South American peaks ranks right up there with some of the most exciting backpacking destinations in the world. This epic hunk of rock and ice stretches across Chile and Argentina, dividing both countries within its menacing walls. It has everything you could ever want from a backpacking trip: rugged mountain ranges where toucans are commonly spotted; glaciers that scrape their way down into forested valleys; wildlife preserves full of big cats, herds of wild horses, and colonies upon colonies of penguins. Although it definitely isn’t cheap to get here (and can sometimes be difficult), once you arrive you’ll realize that every penny was well worth it.

5.) Myanmar (Burma)

After several years of political unrest, tourists are starting to flock back to this captivating Southeast Asian country. So why take a chance and wait another year? Not only will your extra patience allow the situation in the region to settle down a bit, but you’ll also avoid being elbowed by other backpackers trying to get a glimpse of what’s going on inside one of the many beautiful temples. And while some consider Bangkok just as exciting as Myanmar, we beg to differ: not only is Bangkok overcrowded and polluted, but all those “cool” cities you hear about from fellow backpackers usually have nothing more than rows upon rows of glitzy shopping malls. But Myanmar has something no other city in the world can claim: it’s one of only a handful of countries that still has an active royal palace, where you can mingle with some of the country’s most famous residents. Not convinced yet? Keep reading for more ideas on what to see and do during your backpacking adventure in Myanmar!

6.) Croatia

Croatia is quickly becoming one of the top European destinations on many backpackers’ itineraries. And for good reason too… With everything from turquoise waters along its thousand-plus islands, to mountains high enough to get buried by clouds at any given time, there are endless amounts of spectacular vistas awaiting you around every corner. Here, backpackers can have their pick of historic walled cities, sandy beaches or even tranquil lakeside towns. You’ll find a little bit of everything in Croatia really. And if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the choices, just take a gander at this article for more information on the top five places to visit in Croatia .

7.) Peru

Even though it might not be as exotic as other destinations mentioned thus far, there’s no doubt that Peru has become one of the most popular backpacking locations year after year. This is due mainly because people from around the world come here to explore its many natural wonders: from the lost city of Machu Picchu to steamy volcanoes shrouded in clouds; deep canyons with rivers running at their bottoms; beaches that are littered with ancient stone figures warning of tsunamis… Peru has it all.

8.) Nepal

You might have just missed an incredible window of opportunity to visit this majestic country, but don’t fret! There are still plenty of reasons why you should consider adding Nepal to your backpacking itinerary: from its awe-inspiring mountains and deep canyons, to the smell of incense hanging in the air at every street corner and temple. Many travelers start their trip off in one direction (this usually involves heading east towards Kathmandu), only to end up leaving at a later date taking the long way back (west along the border with India). And for those wishing to explore as much as possible, you can also fly in and out of Nepal without having to worry about how long it will take getting back and forth.

9.) Patagonia

It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned backpacker or just starting out: no one can resist the allure of this place! The sheer diversity found around every corner is enough to send any adventurer into an endless amount of photo-worthy moments. And because there are so many national parks, nature preserves and wildlife centers spread throughout the area, nature lovers have a plethora of options when deciding where they should go next. So sit back, relax and enjoy our post on 17 places not to miss in Patagonia . Regardless of whether you’ve been here before or not, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

10.) Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar has been a backpacking hotspot for years now, but unfortunately, not many people know exactly why this is the case. Sure there are still lots of ancient temples and other historical wonders to explore here, but as many seasoned travelers will tell you: “the real attractions in Myanmar can’t be found on a map.” In fact, some backpackers have even gone as far as saying that over 90% of the country’s best sites have been off-limits to outsiders for decades! With that being said however, those who do manage to visit here often come away with a much better understanding of what life was like before so many changes were made.

Who is Fifth Element? 

Who is 5th Element Travel? We are a group of travel enthusiasts who know that life is not worth living unless you are willing to travel new locals, meet local people and expand your horizons – first-hand and with gusto! Don’t know where to start? Start reading our travel blog right now! Our articles offer you an easy summary about what you need to know before going, including hotel ideas, amazing culinary experiences and fun activities for planning and maximizing your time. In addition to specific destination information, we also offer history, cultural dos and don’ts, common language translations, currency information, weather, and other vital information.

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